Worship Aten, at the Egyptian Museum
28 May 2019
Nobel prize molecular machines
23 September 2019WATCH... AND STAY TUNED!
Turin, September 2019. Inscriptions in hieroglyphic, images of finds and archaeological sites make up the iconographic apparatus of the lecture Worship Aten: the theme of joy in the solar texts of the kingdom of Akhenaten, held by Marco Zecchi at the Egyptian Museum of Turin, last May 28th.
The video of the lecture it is available in full version (Italian only) and offers an extensive excursus on the topics treated by Marco Zecchi in his volume Adorare Aten. Testi dalla corte del faraone Akhenaten, published by 1088press. The lecture is illustrated by a rich slide-show composed of texts and hieroglyphic tables, photographs of the finds and places related to the worship of the Sun god, Aten.
Marco Zecchi is professor of Egyptology at the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.
In the mid-fourteenth century BC, Egypt was upset by the ascent to the throne of Amenhotep IV, who, in the fifth year of his reign, changed his name to Akhenaten. A religious policy was inaugurated, devoted exclusively to the worship of the Sun God Aten…
Marco Zecchi is professor of Egyptology at the Alma Mater Studiorum – Bologna University. His academic training took place at Bologna University and the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology at Liverpool University…