19 November 2019

Archaeological Museum of Bologna: the worship of the sun at the court of Akhenaten

Bologna, November 2019 – The series of lectures by Prof. Marco Zecchi on the pharaoh Amenhotep IV continues on Saturday, November 23rd. At the Archaeological Museum of Bologna, our author intervenes with a lecture entirely dedicated to the worship of the sun, at the court of Akhenaten. At 4 pm, in the spaces of the Sala Risorgimento [...]
31 October 2019

The nanomachines at the Cagliari Festivalscienza

Cagliari, November 2019. Finalist of the “Giancarlo Dosi” Scientific Dissemination Prize, the book "Le macchine molecolari" (Molecular machines) and Alberto Credi – co-author with Vincenzo Balzani – are among the protagonists of the Cagliari FestivalScienza, on November 7-12. In the framework of this 12th edition dedicated to the topic Science is Culture – of which 1088press is one of the publishing partners [...]
23 September 2019

Nobel prize molecular machines

Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum. The three Nobel Laureates in Chemistry 2016 – Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, Bernard L. Feringa and Jean-Pierre Sauvage – illustrate the molecular machines, protagonists of the homonymous volume by Alberto Credi and Vincenzo Balzani, "Le macchine molecolari", (Molecular Machines) published by 1088press. A triple interview and a mini round table focus on [...]
16 September 2019

Adorare Aten: the lecture’s video at the Museo Egizio in Turin

Turin, September 2019. Inscriptions in hieroglyphic, images of finds and archaeological sites make up the iconographic apparatus of the lecture Worship Aten: the theme of joy in the solar texts of the kingdom of Akhenaten, held by Marco Zecchi at the Egyptian Museum of Turin, last May 28th. The video of the lecture it is available [...]