Open, inclusive and accessible, 1088press is an editorial project in open access, stemming from the full awareness of the social and institutional roles, which the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna has assumed since its founding in 1088 within the international context of higher education and scientific research.
Graffiti is a global art movement that is ceaselessly changing and developing. Landing in China only in the mid-1990s, it represents an almost unknown but extremely lively and vibrant phenomenon, capable of giving soul and voice to the anonymous neighbourhoods of China’s megalopolis. Presenting the intense activity of some of the most famous writers and crews in China, this volume shows a form of art in constant evolution, yet still entirely unexplored. Chinese Graffiti lies between legality and illegality, free street art and commercial art, state support and social denunciation, revealing its all-Chinese uniqueness, along with the multifaceted artistic and cultural reality of contemporary China.
The publication is already available both in paperback for purchase online, and in pdf format which can be downloaded free of charge from this website, and now also in the enhanced digital edition, rich in additional content and available, which can be browsed from any device.
The Bytes series opens up to international contributions with the volume Una bussola dei possibili. Governance mondiale e umanesimo giuridico, Italian translation of Une boussole des possibles. Gouvernance mondiale et humanismes juridiques by Mireille Delmas-Marty.
The essay presents an insightful reflection on law and justice, through which Delmas-Marty reminds us that humanism and the focus on the human being are more necessary than ever in the face of the challenges of our age.
The publication is already available in Italian both in paperback for purchase online, and in pdf format which can be downloaded free of charge from this website, and now also in the enhanced digital edition, rich in additional content and available in Italian, which can be browsed from any device.
The Bits series presents the new Italian essay Le malattie rare (title’s translation: Rare diseases), signed by professors and experts in the field, edited by Giovanna Cenacchi. There are more than 6,000 “orphan diseases”, 80% of which are gene-related, leading to chronicity, discrimination and loneliness. However, there are numerous support networks capable of taking care of patients and their caregivers.
This book is an introductory tool to orient oneself, understand and begin to move around in the complex panorama of rare diseases.
The publication is already available in Italian as a paperback for purchase online, in pdf format, which can be downloaded free of charge, and also in the enhanced digital edition, rich in additional content and available in Italian, which can be browsed from any device.
1088press enhanced editions are digital formats in open access, available for free online. Each enhanced edition has been designed to offer new digital additional contents in respect of the print and pdf editions, as well as a better browsing experience on the pages of each volume, with pop-ups and direct links to notes, glossary entries and new external documentation sources with text-related content.
Immaginate la realtà come costituita da un insieme di fatti: indagare sulla realtà consiste nel cercare di scoprire…
It is difficult to imagine any manifestation of our daily life in which chemistry is not involved in any way…
L’Uomo e il Cosmo (title’s translation: The Mankind and the Cosmos) | by Paola Focardi | Bytes series
A short journey through that branch of science that has made us “infinitely small”, from the first mythical-religious representations of the universe to the birth of astronomy as a science and instrumental observations.
The publication is available only in Italian in many different formats: paperback, free pdf and free enhanced.
Adorare Aten. Testi dalla corte del faraone Akhenaten (title’s translation: Worship Aten. Texts from the court of the Pharaoh Akhenaten) | by Marco Zecchi | Bytes series
An overview on the religious policy of a unique ruler, with an anthology of texts newly translated from the originals written in hieroglyphic.
The publication is available only in Italian in many different formats: paperback, ebook, free pdf and free enhanced.
Nicholas Brown and the Roman revolution of 1848 / e la rivoluzione romana del 1848 | by David I. Kertzer | Bytes series
The significant and proactive role of the only official representative of the U.S. government in Rome at the time of the Roman revolution of 1848. The essay is completed with a selection of letters from Brown’s correspondence.
The publication is available in bilingual edition English/Italian, in many different formats: paperback, ebook, free pdf and free enhanced.